The Advent Calendar is over

Day 2 - John the Baptist
John the Baptist – a reflection

John the Baptist

Yesterday we met John the Baptist – larger than life – disrupting the Advent timeline/calendar by jumping in as an adult, even before we hear about his or Jesus’ birth stories.

Three of the gospel writers link John to Isaiah’s prophecy about a voice crying in the wilderness, calling the people to prepare a way to journey back home from exile. In the fourth Gospel he is a witness to Jesus the Light. John has a big voice and a big personality and a big role. Jesus said of him that no-one greater had ever been born!

When artists painted John, down through the centuries, they often painted him pointing to Jesus, in another part of the painting. John’s great role was to point to Jesus and to tell the people of his day that Jesus’ work and ministry was far more important than his own.

So how might he inspire us today?

John is a holy trouble maker – a prophet speaking truth to power – someone who gains a following among the people and a thorn in the side of the powerful – both civic and religious leaders.

John is a performance artist – acting out his message in dramatic ways. How he dresses, what he eats, where he lives – the ritual of baptism in the waters of the Jordan – all of these pointing to a radical change that is underway. The axe, John says, is poised at the roots of the tree.

John is a preacher – a witness pointing to Jesus as the One whose life and work will bring new and greater possibilities for transforming lives – the One who takes away the sin of the world.

Like John, we are called by God today to speak out
and to act out our faith,
as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.

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