The Advent Calendar is over

Day 12 - Elizabeth
Elizabeth - a prayer

You see us as we begin the journey to Bethlehem.
Light the candle of Your love in our hearts.
As we seek to follow Your way;
May we, like Elizabeth, lift our hearts in praise to You.

Lord, as we travel the Bethlehem road, watching and waiting for Your son;
light the candle of love within our hearts.

You hear us as we journey.
The long obedience demands so much from us, Lord, as we struggle with seemingly unanswered prayers;
may we, like Elizabeth, when we are overwhelmed,
remain faithful, holding fast to You.

Lord, as we travel the Bethlehem road, watching and waiting for Your son;
light the candle of love within our hearts.

You walk with us as we journey, Your precious people.
When we meet others on the road who may be lost, weary or hurting;
may we encounter Your healing and restoring love in each other.

Lord, as we travel the Bethlehem road watching and waiting for Your son;
light the candle of love within our hearts.

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